
As the train goes through the mountain path, leaning on the lightcyan window, only I would think about my fun.

doctors without borders

congeal 凝結凝固意固地
administer 打撃を食らわす
adipose 脂質脂肪
tissue 組織
liposuction 脂肪吸引
entice ラテン語inttire in-中に+titio燃え木=焚付ける→唆す
brim a cup brimming with tea
buxom むっちり
delirious 意識昏倒無我夢中
devastate 壊滅圧倒荒廃
pu'lmonary artery 肺動脈
cardio'logist 心臓学
scrupulous with scru'pulous honesty実直な態度で
orthope'dic 整形外科
anesthetize ラリホー
dermatologist 皮膚科医
substance matter dense issue wealth medicine
cite 召集召喚言及出頭引用動員
pole'mic refuted,argued
Allergan 製薬会社
rife 禍々しいことが蔓延っている
prey 餌食、カモ
contaminate 汚染堕落混成