
As the train goes through the mountain path, leaning on the lightcyan window, only I would think about my fun.


The first time for him to play on the ground.

he was in a bunting that was belonged to his brother, covers hands and toes perfectly. been at a loss because it was the first time to be in such an open space, seemed thinking what to do next for the first 5 min. he knew he could touch no…


イタリアン一味唐辛子。 いや一味とはちょっと違うかも。 表記によると65%のペッパーにんにく。あと絵をみる限りペッパーとバジル?なんだかわかんないけど葉っぱ*11種類。 これが激ウマ。すごい。すごすぎる。 日本に流通してる唐辛子とは種が微妙に違う…